마작 자객 (일본판 880908)

Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880908)

마작 ( Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* ) / 1988 , Nichibutsu


Mahjong Shikaku (c) 1988 Nichibutsu.
Mahjong Shikaku is an adult mahjong game with a date theme. The objective of the game is to get through your date with your girlfriend with the end goal of reaching a hotel. Interfering with that goal are the various girls in the game, who each attempt to thwart your efforts by challenging your skills at strip mahjong.
At the start of the game, the player chooses a name and then his date begins. At various date spots the player is stopped by one of five girls, who throws herself at the mercy of your mahjong skills. The player must defeat each girl before moving on in his date.
Throughout the course of the matches the player gains energy as shown by fire icons on the right hand side of the screen. When the player is 'fired up' he has better luck in the hands he is dealt so it is possible to make better winning hands. Even so, each girl has unlimited betting funds so the player must defeat each one three times, no matter how good of a hand the player has.
Each girl features two mandatory strip sequences, and the player gets to choose one of four options for the final strip sequence.
The player can lose a match and still continue right where he left off so long as he still has betting funds remaining. But if his betting funds are depleted then the game is over.
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 5 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM3812 (@ 2.5 Mhz), DAC (@ 2.5 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 512 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette Colors : 4096
Player : 2
Control : mahjong keyboard
Released in July 1988.
The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Mahjong Assassin'.

The characters on the title screen are clones of (from left to right) :
* Creamy Mami
* Nausicaa (from the Studio Ghibli movie of 1984, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds)
* Ayukawa Madoka (from Kimagure Orange Road, 48 TV episode, 8 OVAs, 2 movies)
* Saotome Ranma (from Ranma 1/2)
* Magical Emi
The character who gives instructions in attract mode is Minky Momo (two TV series, two OVAs?).
The opponent in final level is a clone of Lum (from Urusei Yatsura).
* Build date : 22 JUL 1988
* Build date : 02 AUG 1988
* Build date : 06 AUG 1988
* Build date : 08 SEP 1988
1. Mahjong Shikaku (1988)
2. Mahjong Shikaku Gaiden - Hana no Momoko-gumi (1988)
Game's rom.

clone info

mjsikakb : Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880722)

mjsikakc : Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880806)

mjsikakd : Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880802)

mmsikaku : Mahjong Shikaku [BET] (Japan 880929)


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